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Netzo, the open-source solution for building business web apps faster.

Netzo streamlines the traditional development process, offering a fast-track approach to the developement, deployment, and management of a wide range of full-stack business applications. From internal tools and dashboards to admin panels and automated workflows, Netzo is engineered to help developers and engineering teams build web apps faster without sacrificing flexibility and ownership of their code.

What is Netzo?

At its core, Netzo combines a Platform and a Meta Framework for Deno Fresh. Together, both the framework and platform offer a collection of modules, opinionated best practices, plugins, components, tools and managed services, all designed to streamline the creation and deployment of web applications. By eliminating repetitive tasks and reducing maintenance through the use of industry-standard solutions, patterns, and abstractions, Netzo allows developers focus on innovation and delivering value to their organizations.


The open-source Framework augments Deno Fresh, streamlines application development by providing core functionalities such as easy authentication, themed styles, modular UI components, and efficient API integration. Built on Deno, it supports local development via the Deno CLI

We recommend you get familiar with Deno, Fresh and Preact. Netzo is built on top of these technologies and understanding them will help you get the most out of the framework.

Key Framework Features

  • ⚙️ Zero-config: No configuration required, start building with a single command.
  • 🏗 Full-stack: Build full-stack web apps with backend, frontend, and database.
  • 💻 Command-Line interface: A CLI tool that simplifies development and deployment.
  • 🖥 SSR support: Server-side rendering with Preact and Fresh.
  • 🌐 URL imports: Import versioned modules from URLs.
  • 📦 NPM support: Use any NPM package within your apps.
  • 🔐 Auto-generated API: Automatically generate RESTful APIs.
  • 🔗 Hooks: Pluggable middleware functions for customizable logic and workflows.
  • 🔌 Plugins: Plug-and-play modules and mechanisms such as authentication and internationalization (i18n).
  • 🎨 UnoCSS styling: Pre-configured themes for immediate, efficient styling.
  • 🧩 40+ Components: Fully-customizable components based on shadcn/ui.
  • 🔗 Integrations: Effortlessly connect with essential APIs and databases.
Explore and contribute to the Netzo Framework's development by visiting our GitHub repository. We would love to hear your feedback and ideas about how we can make the framework even better.


The Platform is a cloud-based service that provides a wide-range of managed services and tools for fast and seamless deployment and management of applications built with the Netzo Framework. It essence, it is a command center for managing all essential aspects of your applications.

Key Platform Features

  • 🔐 Access Control: Seamless management of users and roles.
  • 🗃️ Database Editor UI: Easily view and edit your applications database.
  • 🌍 Global Deployments: Config-free deployments in +35 regions.
  • 📊 Real-time Analytics: Get real-time actionable insights for better decision-making.
  • 🔒 Secret Manager: Safeguard sensitive credentials and configurations.
  • 📜 Audit Logging: Maintain an exhaustive record of activities for compliance, security, and troubleshooting.
  • 🌐 Custom Domain Integration: Enhance your brand’s presence with custom domains.
  • 📈 Application Logs: Comprehensive logs for real-time monitoring and efficient debugging.
  • 🕒 Deployment History: Keep track of deployment versions for better release management and quick rollbacks when necessary.
  • 🌐 App Embedding: Embed your apps seamlessly into diverse digital environments.

Why Netzo?

No-code and low-code tools are too limiting beyond simple use cases, while traditional development is too complex and time-consuming to build and maintain. Netzo provides the speed of low-code without its limitations, and the power of full-code without the technical complexity and infrastructure burden.

Netzo empowers developers to roll out custom business apps faster and without the hassle of managing infrastructure. It's the perfect solution for busy teams who want to focus on what they do best - creating innovative and cutting-edge solutions.

Do I need developers?

Yes, despite the speed and ease of use, Netzo is not a no-code or low-code platform. Although Netzo eliminates the main complexities of traditional development, it is still full-code platform. As such, understanding web development basics is crucial to get the most out of Netzo.

Quick Start

  1. Install the Deno CLI, if you haven't already.
  2. Install the Netzo CLI (or upgrade to the latest version with netzo upgrade)
deno install -Arf
  1. Create a new project (here we clone the minimal starter template)
git clone
cd template-minimal
  1. Generate and populate the Database with mock data
deno task db:mock
deno task db:load
  1. Run the project (in development)
deno task start

and preview it by navigating to http://localhost:8000.

  1. Deploy to the Netzo Platform
Deploying projects requires an account on the Netzo Platform and being member of a Workspace.

Once you have a Netzo account and are member of a Workspace, you can create an API key from the Workspace > API Keys page and add it as NETZO_API_KEY="<NETZO_API_KEY>" to an .env file in the root of your project, or pass it via the --api-key=<NETZO_API_KEY> flag to the CLI as shown below. You will be prompted to select an existing or create a new project to deploy to.

netzo deploy --api-key=<NETZO_API_KEY>


The documentation is an ongoing work in progress. If you have any questions or feedback, please open an issue. Feel free to join our Discord community to chat with us and other Netzo users.