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Notion is an all-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.


import { notion } from 'netzo/apis/notion.ts'

const api = notion({
  internalIntegrationToken: Deno.env.get('NOTION_INTERNAL_INTEGRATION_TOKEN'),
  notionVersion: Deno.env.get('NOTION_VERSION'),


The notion factory function expects an object with the following, and returns an object with an API client api.

internalIntegrationTokenstringDeno.env.get('NOTION_INTERNAL_INTEGRATION_TOKEN')the API key to use for authentication
notionVersionstringDeno.env.get('NOTION_VERSION')Notion version
Refer to the API documentation to get the required information.


The following examples assume you have created an api client instance.

Find pages

Find all the pages that belong to a specific database and match the query.

const query: QueryDatabase = {}
const result = await api.databases[DATABASE_ID]<Pages>(query)
const resultData = result.results

Get page

Get a page by id.

Property ids can be passed as query parameters to limit the search to specific properties.

const query: QueryProperties = {}
const resultData = await api.pages[PAGE_ID].get<Page>(query)

Get page content

Get the content of a specific page.

const query: NotionPagination = {}
const result = await api.blocks[PAGE_ID].children.get<Block>(query)
const resultData = result.results

Find users

Find all users of the workplace.

const query: NotionPagination = {}
const result = await api.users.get<Users>(query)
const resultData = result.results
